Leadership & Performance
Our consultants are certified in a number of leadership development and performance evaluation instruments, including a wide range of psychometric tools, highly complementary and valuable to our various service lines.
Our specialist leadership development consultants provide leadership capability enhancement services for high performing individuals and executive teams. We believe leadership is a relational activity that is learnable, measurable and teachable at all organisational levels and particularly at senior levels. In helping clients cultivate a leadership culture, we help them to control a variable that offers opportunity for great organisational enhancement.

Organisational Development & Change
We focus on six dimensions of Organisational Change and the interrelationship, when one dimension is changed. We acutely understand that an organisation is connected and the resultant impacts. Importantly, we know how to keep things in sync and how an organisation transitions and transforms from a Current State to a Future State. Our modelling of function before form has proved uniquely valuable to clients across the public and private sectors.

CoPE (Centre of Professional Enhancement)
Our Centre of Professional Enhancement (CoPE) is all about Workforce Design, Assessment, Reporting, Development and on the job Tracking to continuously mature and improve workforce capability. We use our proprietary methodology “DARD-T” to align operational and strategic goals with personal development needs. CoPE is agile, responsive, bespoke and facilitates organisational insight and the engagement of participating leaders.